Section: Dissemination


H. Garavel participates to the committee in charge of organizing the Aerospace Valley series of industrial conferences on formal methods. The third conference  (http://www.inria.fr/centre/grenoble/agenda/forum-methodes-formelles2 ), devoted to theorem proving, held on February 4 in Toulouse and retransmitted by video-conference in Grenoble, attracted over 100 participants from industry and academia.

The fourth conference  (http://projects.laas.fr/IFSE/FMF/J4/index.html ), devoted to model checking, held on October 16 in Toulouse and retransmitted by video-conference in Grenoble and Saclay, attracted over 120 participants from industry and academia. H. Garavel gave a talk entitled “Présentation de l'outil CADP”. A. Kriouile gave a talk entitled “Application de CADP à la vérification de matériel”. R. Mateescu gave a talk entitled “Introduction au model checking”.